This Filter is used to catalog files created by the software ZOOM version 5 from Abvent R&D.
The files filtered are library objects only, their file type is ╥ZMBI╙.
When saving a library object in ZOOM, the software automatically saves the active window as a PICT in the file.
When cataloging this file with Cumulus, the PICT will be used as a thumbnail for the corresponding element of the database. Cumulus will also add, as a category, the name of the folder containing the file.
Once your library object files are cataloged in a Cumulus database, you will be able to directly Drag&Drop a database element into an open ZOOM document.
When you Drag&Drop an element, ZOOM merges the file into the document and places the objects anchor point at the relative coordinates given by the Drop. The anchor point for the library object correspond to the absolute origine when saving the file.